You have successfully registered for High Holy Day services for Village and Young Families (ages 0-2nd Grade)!
Thank you! We look forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with you!
- Please bring this ticket to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur onsite services.
- Tickets are non-transferrable; please help us ensure that your tickets are for your use only, and do not share the use of your ticket.
- If you know of a family with young children who would like to attend or you would like to invite, just email us at and we would be happy to invite them to participate in the celebration of the holidays.
Young Family Schmooze and Dinner
On Erev Rosh Hashanah, join us for an early evening service, and then stay after the service for a Young Family Schmooze and Dinner.
More Information:
L’Shanah tovah u’metukah!
We wish one another a year of goodness and sweetness!