Elul: A Month of Spiritual Preparation

Home Shabbat & Holidays High Holy Days Elul: A Month of Spiritual Preparation


Elul (אלול) is the name of the month in our Jewish calendar that immediately precedes the Jewish New Year and High Holy Days. As an acronym, the letters spell “Ani l’dodi, v’dodi li” — I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine — an expression of sweetness and commitment to drawing closer together. The month of Elul is one that fulfills the promise of drawing closer, awakening our inner lives through the call of the shofar, and preparing ourselves for the joy and renewal of the holiday season.

Qabbalat Shabbat During Elul

Fridays, September 6, 8, 20, 27 at 6:00 p.m. Onsite and online

For each week of Elul, we will gather for Qabbalat Shabbat to sing melodies and explore texts that bring us into the themes of the High Holy Days in which we immerse ourselves. Each week will feature a deep dive into one of the chapters of our Congregational Read, The Way of Humanity, as we spiritually prepare ourselves for awakening and renewal; for t’shuvah, t’filah, and tzedakah.



Self-Guided Exploration

Throughout the month of Elul, we invite you to explore our interactive High Holy Day materials. You will be able to journey through the High Holy Days at your own pace through various thematic lenses, or build your own High Holy Day experience based on which materials in the online library are most meaningful to you.