The Way of Humanity
by Martin Buber, translated by Rabbi Bernard Mehlman and Dr. Gabriel E. Padawer (z”l)
This powerful book of meaningful Chasidic stories and Buber’s original philosophical interpretations is a translation of the German transcription of a six-part lecture Buber gave to the Woodbrookers Association in 1947. Each chapter presents a clear path for living what Buber called “real life,” — a life of meaning defined by a clear purpose and deep connections to the self, to others and to God. As we prepare for the High Holy Days, The Way of Humanity provides us with much food for thought and inspiration as we individually strive to live our most meaningful, purposeful life.
We will be studying this book as a community at Qabbalat Shabbat throughout Elul, and will also have an event with Rabbi Bernard Mehlman this fall.