
Happy Purim!

Purim commemorates the downfall of a tyrant and the power we find in taking off our masks and embracing our true identities. On Purim, we retell the story of Esther, send care packages to our loved ones and those who are most vulnerable in our society, and celebrate as a community in the spirit of silliness and joy.

At Temple Israel of Boston, we celebrate this holiday with Purimpalooza: activities for all ages, from our Family and Teen Purim celebrations, to our Riverway Purimpalooza Pre-Party (20s/30s), to our signature 21+ Megillah Reading. This year for the first time adults, are invited to a Purim Masquerade Cocktail party featuring a creative retelling of the Purim story by Boston’s talented Improv Boston troupe. A “sleep-under” is available for kids. Read on for details.