Annual Gathering of the Congregation
Be part of this communal opportunity to reflect on how beautiful it is to be together! We will celebrate our accomplishments from the past year, hear new member stories, show appreciation for those who have served as leaders in the congregation, and look forward to what’s to come!
As a congregation, we will install our new board officers: Jessica Greenfield, President; Shawn Kravetz, Vice President; and Karin Freed, Treasurer.
Our community is blessed with countless members whose involvement and dedication help us carry out our mission of living Judaism together through discovery, dynamic spirituality, and righteous impact. Be with us as we honor members of our congregation who have lifted us up and helped define our community.
6:30 p.m. Dinner (onsite)
7:00 p.m. Program (onsite and online)
Join us onsite or online.
Questions? Call 617-566-3960 or email