Hear Our Voice: Celebrating Women Rabbis as Liturgists
In 1972, Rabbi Sally J. Priesand became the first woman to be ordained as a rabbi in North America. In the fifty years since, women rabbis have used their voices to transform Jewish prayer. This special online event celebrates the groundbreaking contributions that women have made as authors and editors of Reform liturgy. The rabbis behind landmark CCAR Press prayerbooks for Shabbat and High Holy Days, LGBTQ liturgy, and life-cycle rituals will provide an inside look at their writing process and discuss how women’s voices have shaped contemporary prayer.
Rabbi Elaine S. Zecher, Advisory Group Chair, Mishkan HaNefesh: Machzor for the Days of Awe
Rabbi April Davis, editor of the Supplement to L’chol Z’man V’eit/For Sacred Moments: The CCAR Life-Cycle Guide
Rabbi Denise L. Eger, editor of Mishkan Ga'avah/Where Pride Dwells: A Celebration of LGBTQ Jewish Life and Ritual
Rabbi Elyse D. Frishman, editor of Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur
Moderated by Rabbi Hara E. Person, Chief Executive, Central Conference of American Rabbis
This online event is part of the CCAR Press Speakers Series. Free and open to the public. Register here to get the Zoom link.