Tikkun Central Chanukah Party
Celebrate Chanukah with Tikkun Central's Justice & Compassion Initiatives! We've missed seeing you in person, and we're excited to come together to spin the dreidel for a cause, eat latkes and donuts, light the menorah, and connect with friends and meet new people. We'll be hosting a Dreidel Competition with all proceeds going to support the Afghan family whose resettlement we are supporting. A donation of $18 is suggested to enter the Dreidel Competition. The champion wins lunch with a member of the TI clergy. We can't wait to celebrate with you!
Advanced registration is requested to help us ensure success, but walk-ins are welcome! To participate in the Dreidel Competition, please donate to the Afghan Resettlement.
This celebration is aimed at people who are already engaged in Tikkun Central's justice and compassion initiatives, people interested in becoming involved, or people who are simply excited to celebrate Chanukah with others! Questions? Reach out to Tali Puterman.