High Holy Days 101
The High Holy Days can be a time of incredible spiritual growth and deep personal introspection. Yet, for many of us, the sheer breadth of these holidays might feel confusing or difficult to navigate.
Join Temple Israel clergy for a two-part online series breaking down the origins, symbols, texts, and traditions of these Days of Awe. All are welcome as we discover new meaning in these ancient and modern practices.
Session Topics:
Monday, September 8 at 7pm: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
Monday, September 15 at 7pm: Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Join one or both sessions. Contact cajl@tisrael.org with questions.
High Holy Days 101
The High Holy Days can be a time of incredible spiritual growth and deep personal introspection. Yet, for many of us, the sheer breadth of these holi...
High Holy Days 101
The High Holy Days can be a time of incredible spiritual growth and deep personal introspection. Yet, for many of us, the sheer breadth of these holi...