Elul Spiritual Practice Lab and Study with Temple Israel Clergy


August 18, 2021


06:00 PM - 08:30 PM EDT


Week 2: Avodah She'ba'leb - Opening our Hearts, with Rabbi Suzie Jacobson and Cantor Alicia Stillman

This week, we begin to open our hearts for the spiritual parth ahead of us, as we skip to the liturgy from the end of Yom Kippur. How does this heart-opening practice feel as preparation for the holidays, rather than as a final ascension before we move into the year?

6:00 p.m. Spiritual Practice Lab (onsite only) - Avodah Service: 15 Levels of Ascension

7:30 p.m. Study (onsite or online) - Avodah: Work of our Hands, Work of our Hearts


Pre-registration is not required, but we encourage you to RSVP here for both onsite and online to receive additional details and updates by email. Contact Brigid Goggin at bgoggin@tisrael.org or call 617-566-3960 with questions.

To participate online at 7:30 p.m., click here to join on Zoom.

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