Tikkun Zoom Shavuot: 25 Hours of Online Learning
Online learning sessions will start at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 1st and run through 6:00 p.m. on Monday, June 2nd.
On Shavuot we go big, celebrating the revelation of Torah at Mount Sinai by learning together in a yearly Torah all-nighter.
Join us on Sunday, June 1st through Monday, June 2nd for Tikkun Zoom Shavuot. Learn alongside people from around the world as dozens of teachers, artists, and facilitators lead us in study, prayer, art making, music and more over 25 hours in the zoomosphere. Sessions run back to back all night and day, and you can pop in for an hour or two, or brew a pot of coffee and stay with us for the long haul.
Registration coming soon; all are welcome!
To join us as a community partner, contact Rabbi Suzie Jacobson at sjacobson@tisrael.org.