
Adult B'nei Mitzvah 2023-2025 Cohort Launch


September 11, 2023


07:00 PM - 09:00 PM EDT




This fall, Temple Israel of Boston is launching our next Adult B’nei Mitzvah Cohort! Join us as we embark on a nearly two-year journey toward an Adult B’nei Mitzvah service in early spring 2025.

Led by Cantor Alicia Stillman, our Adult B’nei Mitzvah Cohort for TI members will cover such varied areas as Hebrew, Jewish history, Israel, the Jewish bookshelf, liturgy, mitzvot, and theology. We will divide our time into four semesters of learning and discussion, in which you will look not only outward at Judaism and Jewish tradition, but inward at your own spiritual life, guided by your passion to learn Hebrew and Torah.

The fall semester begins with our cohort launch on Monday, September 11th at 7:00 p.m. onsite at Temple Israel, followed by six sessions of Hebrew learning onsite on Tuesday evenings. Please register in advance.

All participants must be Temple Israel members and must meet with Cantor Stillman (onsite or online) before the cohort launch. The participation fee is $500 over two years. After you register, there will be a follow-up communication to confirm payment. If cost is an issue, scholarships are available.

Please contact Miriam Spectre to arrange your meeting with Cantor Stillman.

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