"Sinning for God": When do the Ends Justify the Means?
How do we build a better world when we know our actions may have unintended or unavoidable economic, political, or ecological consequences? What is justified in the pursuit of justice?
In “Sinning for God,” we’ll explore two related rabbinic concepts: mitzvah ha’ba be’aveirah (a would-be mitzvah that is forbidden because it comes about by way of a sin) and aveirah lishmah (a would-be sin that is permitted because it serves a higher purpose).
We’ll begin by studying their Talmudic origins, and then we’ll consider how they’ve played out in different historical periods and across varying political, economic, and moral issues. Throughout, we’ll use our learning to shed light on the moral dilemmas and paradoxes we face today. At stake will be an underlying question: when do moral ends justify questionable means, and when do immoral means corrupt us, no matter how noble our goals are?
This 5-sessuib online class is offered in partnership by the Center for Adult Jewish Learning at Temple Israel and Hebrew College Open Circle Jewish Learning. All are welcome. Register here.
Class Details
Day and Time: Sundays, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. ET
Dates: July 9 - August 6, 2023 (5 sessions)
Location: Online via Zoom
Teacher: Aron Wander
Fee: $180, with generous financial scholarships available. Contact lettinger@hebrewcollege.edu to learn more.
Meet the Teacher
Aron Wander (he/him) is rabbinical student at Hebrew College, writer and organizer. He has served as the rabbinic intern at Temple Emunah in Lexington and of Ohel Ayalah in New York, Queens, and as an educator at Temple Israel in Brookline. His previous Open Circle Jewish Learning classes were “Realistic Utopias; What’s the Best Future We Can Hope For?” and “Is Diaspora Good for the Jews?” Before beginning rabbinical school, he worked as the Northeast Campus Organizer for J Street U. When he’s not working or studying, Aron likes to practice yoga, read sci-fi, and scavenge for used books.
"Sinning for God": When do the Ends Justify the Means?
How do we build a better world when we know our actions may have unintended or unavoidable economic, political, or ecological consequences? What is j...
"Sinning for God": When do the Ends Justify the Means?
How do we build a better world when we know our actions may have unintended or unavoidable economic, political, or ecological consequences? What is j...
"Sinning for God": When do the Ends Justify the Means?
How do we build a better world when we know our actions may have unintended or unavoidable economic, political, or ecological consequences? What is j...
"Sinning for God": When do the Ends Justify the Means?
How do we build a better world when we know our actions may have unintended or unavoidable economic, political, or ecological consequences? What is j...