Riverway Neighborhood Shabbat in JP
Once a month, we take it out of the shul and into the streets. At our neighborhood events, we engage with Judaism outside of the Temple walls and in intimate community.
We’ll gather in a Riverway Project member’s apartment in Jamaica Plain on Friday, March 31st at 7:00 p.m. to pray, sing, eat (potluck dinner), drink, and mingle. You must be fully vaccinated to attend. Once you've registered, the week of the event you'll receive and email with the address and more information about our potluck Shabbat Dinner! Start thinking about your best recipes and register here!!
This event and the Riverway Project community are open to all. We are grateful to be able to offer Riverway Shabbat and other programs at no cost to those in their 20s and 30s in the Boston area.
Do you have a great indoor or outdoor space where you'd like to host a Potluck Shabbat or a Havdalah Happy Hour? Whether you can host 3 or 30, we'd love to come to you! Email Nalani at nhaueter@tisrael.org if you'd like to be a host.