TILLI Winter Session: First Amendment Freedoms with Guest Speaker Max Nosbisch
Join us online on Thursday, January 12 a 11:00 a.m. ET to hear from guest speaker Max Nosbisch, the Manager of Visitor Experiences at the First Amendment Museum, in Augusta, Maine. Max will be introducing the First Amendment, discussing freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom to assemble. He will discuss the legality and nuances behind the phenomena of 'banned books' in the American context. The topic of banning books raises fundamental questions about freedom of speech, its boundaries, power, public education, and more.
The First Amendment Museum is a nonpartisan, nonprofit institution dedicated to promoting the understanding and use of the First Amendment.
Please register to get the Zoom link. Contact tilli@tisrael.org with questions.
This free event is part of the Temple Israel Lifelong Learning Institute (TILLI) Winter Session. All are welcome.