Sukkot & Simchat Torah 5782

The Yamim Nora’im, or the High Holy Day season, continues after Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with the festival of Sukkot. One of the three agricultural pilgrimage holidays, Sukkot is a time to reexamine our relationship with nature and to remind ourselves of our vulnerability. During this time, we build sukkot, or makeshift huts, and eat in them for seven days. This allows us to reconnect with the earth and strip away that which no longer serves us.

We look forward to having you in Temple Israel’s sukkah for a week full of learning, praying, and togetherness. We offer Sukkot experiences for all ages and areas of interest as we recommit ourselves to our planet and to our vision of shelter for all people in this world.

5782 Sukkot

Rejoice in the Sukkah of Justice and Compassion


On Sukkot we build and we welcome. The festival holiday of Sukkot reminds us of our communal obligation to face outwards with open hearts to ease suffering and heal our fractured world. Come hear stories from leaders across our Tikkun Central teams about their pursuits of Righteous Impact at Temple Israel, and learn how you can get involved.

Festival Service and Torah Study


Our Festival service is followed by a celebratory and engaging Sukkot study session.

Village for Families with Young Children: Sukkot Celebration


Come have fun in the Temple Israel Sukkah as we sing, play, and learn more about the holiday.

Riverway Project Sukkot Harvest Celebration, a Farm to Sukkah Meal


Sukkot, a Biblical harvest festival, is also a time to welcome guests and celebrate. We’ll enjoy a fresh meal using produce from the Urban Farming Institute outside in the Temple Israel Sukkah, study a bit of Torah with Rabbi Oberstein and shake the lulav.

The cycle of the High Holy Days concludes with Simchat Torah, as we celebrate completing our annual reading of the Torah. We demonstrate our commitment to Torah by immediately starting again from the beginning, reminding ourselves that Torah is a lifelong gift that never ceases to nourish and sustain us. We celebrate Simchat Torah with joy and laughter, as we dance and sing with the Torah scrolls!

Simchat Torah 5782

Consecration and Family Simchat Torah Celebration


Before joining the full community for our Simchat Torah celebration, we will celebrate consecration with our newest Religious School and Rashi scholars, and have fun retelling our favorite Torah stories with our Temple Israel friends.



We will gather with the daily minyan for Yizkor Memorial Service

Celebrate, Dance, Experience Simchat Torah Together!


Celebrate the joyous ending of our High Holy Day festivities as we conclude one cycle of Torah reading, and immediately begin anew.  We will unroll our scrolls and go back to the source, reading various familiar passages, and learning some of our clergy’s favorite texts. Best of all, we will have an opportunity to dance and celebrate together again on Nessel Way. 

Festival Service


Our Festival Service is followed by a celebratory and engaging study session to honor the Torah.

Village for Families with Young Children: Simchat Torah Celebration


Dance and sing with the Torah as we celebrate together.