Martin Luther King Day Family Volunteer Opportunity

Join all TI families (from the Religious School, FJECC, The Tent, The Village, and Rashi) for a Family Volunteer Opportunity. We will have a clothing drive for Thrifty Threads, make Lasagna for On The Rise Shelter, and create cards for people newly arriving to Boston, as well as put together care packages for people experiencing homelessness, and decorate lunch bags for the Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center food drive.
We need donations for this event to happen, so please bring what you can:
- For Thrifty Threads: We will be collecting GENTLY USED clothing, with the exception of underwear and socks (Kids clothing donations especially appreciated!) We are also collecting NEW underwear and socks.
- Sign up to bring Lasagna Ingredients
- For homeless care kits: Soap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, deodorant, hand sanitizers, granola bars.