Introduction to Zohar

The Zohar is one of the most foundational texts of Kabbalah, a collection of texts which first appeared in 13th century Spain. In content, it is an ongoing attempt and an invitation to engage with divinity using the tools of rabbinic midrash, myth and imagination. The practice of studying Zohar is the practice of responding to this invitation.
This course is meant as an introduction both to the book Zohar and to the practice of studying it. It is oriented towards people who are beginners at this study and no prior text-skills are necessary. Class discussion will utilize English translations of the original Aramaic text.
Through Zoharic text we will engage topics such as Torah, Sefirotic symbols, male and female symbols, God’s presence in human life, and more.
And despite what you may have heard elsewhere, this study will include:
No magic except for that which happens when you engage deeply with your imagination.
No demons except for the ones you bring with you,
And no answers to life’s big questions, but some pretty serious engagement with them…
This online class meets on Tuesdays from 7:00-8:30 p.m. starting October 29th and ending December 17th.
The Center for Adult Jewish Learning at Temple Israel of Boston follows a "Pay What You Can" model for registration, with three pricing levels available. We also offer scholarships.
Standard: $225
Supporter: $300
Reduced: $150
Register to join the class. Contact with questions.
Rabbi Ebn Leader
Ebn Leader has been a student of Rabbi Arthur Green for 25 years. He joined Green in the founding of the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College, where he taught for 20 years. He was also privileged to study extensively with rabbis David Hartman OBM and Zalman Schachter Shalomi OBM. His published work is in the field of Hasidism and Neo-Hasidism, most notably “Speaking Torah – Spiritual Teachings from Around the Maggid’s Table” published by Jewish Lights. He is married to Rabbi Claudia Kreiman, and together they parent two daughters.
Introduction to Zohar
The Zohar is one of the most foundational texts of Kabbalah, a collection of texts which first appeared in 13th century Spain. In content, it is an o...
Introduction to Zohar
The Zohar is one of the most foundational texts of Kabbalah, a collection of texts which first appeared in 13th century Spain. In content, it is an o...
Introduction to Zohar
The Zohar is one of the most foundational texts of Kabbalah, a collection of texts which first appeared in 13th century Spain. In content, it is an o...
Introduction to Zohar
The Zohar is one of the most foundational texts of Kabbalah, a collection of texts which first appeared in 13th century Spain. In content, it is an o...
Introduction to Zohar
The Zohar is one of the most foundational texts of Kabbalah, a collection of texts which first appeared in 13th century Spain. In content, it is an o...
Introduction to Zohar
The Zohar is one of the most foundational texts of Kabbalah, a collection of texts which first appeared in 13th century Spain. In content, it is an o...
Introduction to Zohar
The Zohar is one of the most foundational texts of Kabbalah, a collection of texts which first appeared in 13th century Spain. In content, it is an o...