Reverse Tashlich
During Tashlich, we symbolically cast our transgressions into the water. At the same time, our literal waterways suffer from the pollution of human wrongdoings. Join us for a "reverse Tashlich" by helping to clean up the Muddy River and learn more about how we can care for our local waterways with the Muddy Water Initiative. We will meet at 50 Charlesgate East. Parking is available on Ipswich Street right next to the site, and the location is easily walkable from the Kenmore and Hynes T stops.
Wear closed-toe shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, and bring plenty of water/sunscreen as needed. Volunteers will be provided with gloves, grabbers, trash bags, hand sanitizer, and any other tools needed. Volunteers must sign a waiver, which will be provided when you register.
- Please register.
- See full details about celebrating the High Holy Days with Temple Israel of Boston, from S'lichot through Simchat Torah.
- Questions? Call 617-566-3960 or email