Young Family Yom Kippur Service 2022
Calling all children 2nd grade and under and their grownups! Get ready to sing, dance, and play as we come together on Yom Kippur morning. At 8:45 a.m. we will gather for an interactive service led by the Temple Israel clergy and musician Wayne Potash. Our morning will also feature holiday crafts and fun for the whole family!
For the service, we are together in mixed presence, onsite and online.
We kindly ask you to wear a mask in our building.
- Families with children 2nd grade and under, please register for onsite High Holy Day services.
- Our livestream services are open to the public, accessible on our website. For a full mixed presence experience, members in good standing are invited to participate by zoom.
- See full details about celebrating the High Holy Days with Temple Israel of Boston, from S'lichot through Simchat Torah.
- Questions? Call 617-566-3960 or email