TILLI Peer-Led Study Groups: Spring 2022 Semester
Join Temple Israel’s Lifelong Learning Institute (TILLI) for a 6-week peer-led Study Group. These groups cover a variety of topics and are led by TILLI community members in both morning and afternoon sessions. This year, we offer the option to participate online or onsite. Click here to register online for the Spring 2022 Semester. Contact Ann Abrams at tilli@tisrael.org or 617-566-3960 with questions.
Morning Study Groups meet from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
- Writings from the Heart, with Robbie Apfel (onsite only)
- From Outsider to Saint: Pauli Murray and Her Impact on Our Lives, with Priscilla Golding
- The Boston Region: Looking Towards Our Future, with Russ Lopez
- Globalization: How It Changed Our Lives, with Irwin Price
- Gender-Benders in Judaism, with Ari Zimmet
Afternoon Study Groups meet from 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- Impressionism: An Evolution or Revolution in French Painting? with Helene Bailen
- George Orwell and His Lessons for Today, with Edmond Murad
- Israeli Short Stories: An Armchair Tour of Israel, with Natalie Schatz (onsite only)
- Reconstruction (1865-1877): Its Legacy in Our Time, with Joanne Tuck
- Palestinian Perspectives, with Ted Greenwood and Helen Kolsky (online only; class meets from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.)
TILLI Peer-Led Study Groups: Spring 2022 Semester
Join Temple Israel’s Lifelong Learning Institute (TILLI) for a 6-week peer-led Study Group. These groups cover a variety of topics and are led by ...
TILLI Peer-Led Study Groups: Spring 2022 Semester
Join Temple Israel’s Lifelong Learning Institute (TILLI) for a 6-week peer-led Study Group. These groups cover a variety of topics and are led by ...
TILLI Peer-Led Study Groups: Spring 2022 Semester
Join Temple Israel’s Lifelong Learning Institute (TILLI) for a 6-week peer-led Study Group. These groups cover a variety of topics and are led by ...
TILLI Peer-Led Study Groups: Spring 2022 Semester
Join Temple Israel’s Lifelong Learning Institute (TILLI) for a 6-week peer-led Study Group. These groups cover a variety of topics and are led by ...
TILLI Peer-Led Study Groups: Spring 2022 Semester
Join Temple Israel’s Lifelong Learning Institute (TILLI) for a 6-week peer-led Study Group. These groups cover a variety of topics and are led by ...