Adult B'nei Mitzvah 2021-2023 Cohort Launch
This fall, Temple Israel of Boston is launching our next Adult B'nei Mitzvah Cohor! Join us as we embark on a two-year journey towards an Adult B'nei Mitzvah service in the spring of 2023.
Led by Cantor Alicia Stillman, our Adult B'nei Mitzvah cohort will cover such varied areas as Hebrew, Jewish history, Israel, the Jewish bookshelf, liturgy, mitzvot, and theology. We will divide our time into four semesters of learning and discussion, where you will look not only outward at Judaism and Jewish tradition, but inward at your own spiritual life, guided by your passion to learn Hebrew and Torah.
The fall semester begins with our cohort launch on Thursday, September 30 at 7:00 p.m. followed by 6 weekly sessions of Hebrew learning on Zoom on Tuesday evenings. If you are interseted in joining our new cohort and would like more information, please contact Cantor Alicia Stillman at
To register, please click here.