Elul Spiritual Practice Lab and Study with Temple Israel Clergy
Week 3: Avinu Malkeinu - Crying Out Together, with Rabbi Dan Slipakoff and Cantor Alicia Stillman
Our liturgy is filled with the spontaneous prayers of our ancestors. According to tradition, the thirteen attributes were cried out by Moses on Mt. Sinai, and the Avinu Malkeinu prayer was originally a last ditch effort from Rabbi Akiva to end a dangerous drought. What personal prayers do you need to call out this High Holiday season?
6:00 p.m. Spiritual Practice Lab (onsite only) - Avinu Malkeinu: Sing Unto God: Individual Prayer, Communal Experience
7:30 p.m. Study (onsite or online) - How do I know who you are? Metaphors for God in the 13 Attributes
Pre-registration is not required, but we encourage you to RSVP here for both onsite and online to receive additional details and updates by email. Contact Brigid Goggin at bgoggin@tisrael.org or call 617-566-3960 with questions.